Steak House El Toro
Steak House El Toro
The Steak House Restaurant Menu El Toro will find excellent meat and fish of high quality
El Toro Steak House has a great room with a rustic decor, mixing wood and warm colors with touches of Spanish motifs, its terrace surrounded by busts and green are pleasant companions at meals outdoors.
Eating in this restaurant is something that is not forgotten and that those who come as tourists are eager to repeat every year. Residents become loyal customers and customary.
Meat and fresh grilled fish, accompanied by tasty vegetables. Definitely a great way to preserve the properties and great taste of food, a rich menu of dishes for the body and palate.
Visit El Toro wbsite here
Contact Information
C.C. El Zoco, 1st Floor, Spain Mijas, 29649